Happy New Year! Just before the break I began releasing installments of a study guide to accompany Counter Wokecraft: A Field Manual for Combatting the Woke in the University and Beyond. The idea for the study guide is that counter wokecraft is most effective when done with other allies. As a way to encourage the development of groups of people who can work together, I wanted to have a study guide that could be used by people in the context of a book club or reading group. With this post, I’m releasing the first installment of the Study Guide for Chapter 2. Chapter 2 is longer than the first and some of the sections are relatively detailed so I wanted to make the study guide for this chapter a bit more granular.
Chapter 2 focuses on Wokecraft - the collection of tools and tactics that are used by the Woke to advance the Critical Social Justice agenda in universities and organizations more broadly. It begins with the definition of some key terminology that is useful for describing and decrypting Woke tactics and strategies. It then moves into more general principles used to make Woke advances and entrench the CSJ perspective. It finishes with the concrete tactics that are used, beginning with “micro-tactics” in service to the “Grand Tactic - Woke Viral Infection.” This first installment of the study guide covers material from the beginning of chapter 2 to the Reverse Motte & Bailey Trojan horse tactic (Chapter 2.4.3).
I hope you’ll find it useful. As usual, feel free to let me know what I can do to improve the study guide. You can let me know by email: charles.pincourt@outlook.com, or on Twitter @wokedissident.
Photo by Andrew Neel from Pexels.